The highly anticipated Stillwater/Wisconsin bridge is nearing completion. On February 9, the crews completed the final closure pour creating a COMPLETE bridge deck structure, inching the greatly anticipated completion of the new bridge closer to the public’s use! The Wisconsin department of Transportation representative, Beth Cunningham, informed the St. Croix County Board of Supervisors that the bridge could open to traffic as early as August of this year. Many Wisconsin commuters are eager to bypass downtown Stillwater on their daily commute to the cities, making their drive times shorter and less of a headache. Shortening the drive to the cities will also bring a boost in new home developments in Hudson, St. Joseph, Somerset, and New Richmond. The Ridges and Bluebird Bluffs are located in North Hudson and just minutes from the new bridge on the Wisconsin side of the St. Croix. If you are looking to get a jump on the pick of location before the expected housing boom begins, Derrick team members will personally take you down the pathway to a custom house created by you. Let us help you build it from the ground up.